
Monday, October 4, 2010

LBS Fashion Throwbacks

My mom, circa early 1980's
 This weekend, I went back to my parents' home to spend quality time with the family and to play with my adorable nephew, who you guys met last fall along with Ralph the Russian fur.While home, I went rummaging through some old photos and stumbled on the vintage pic above, of my mother on vacation. It just reminded me of how cyclical fashion is. I don't see anything wrong with taking that dress and those sunglasses right off my mother circa 30 years ago, and wearing it today (minus the jheri curl). Don't you just love that about fashion? I wanted to know from you guys - what are some of your favorite old school trends? Soundoff below!
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  1. Your mom is beautiful and definitely fashionable! Love it!


  2. You need to send your mom's picture here http://momstyleicons.blogspot.com/

  3. First off, your mom is mad fly!
    Second, i love that about fashion. i was looking at pics of my mom when she was back home, in Grenada, and she had the AMAZING all white, hand made, harem body suit with a thin gold belt around her waist and some flats... Sheer FABULOSITY!

    Check out my blog! Feel free to comment!
