Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cover Girls: Solange for FADER Magazine

Solange is on a roll this year! Shortly after being honored for her accomplishments as an artist at Essence's Black Women in Music event last week and stunning all on the red carpet at the Grammy's in all her glorious gown and natural 'fro glory, Solange graces the cover of FADER Magazine's February/March Issue.

With her fierce natural mane and striking features, Solange looks good in everything from a red carpet gown to baby blue tennis shoes. Gotta love her!

About her new album TRUE, she tells FADER:

"[In] four years, there’s been so much artistic growth, so much growth just as a woman in [my] 20s, but especially as an artist. You’re exposed to so much more from age 21 to 26, and you sure as hell care a lot less."

Take a look behind-the-scenes of her cover shoot here:

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1 comment:

  1. I love her! She look fierce at The Grammys.. That hair!! #swoon!
